Tullynamoyle Wind Farm has applied for planning permission to construct a further four wind turbines.
This would be in addition to the 19 turbines (15 existing and four consented) in the townlands of Tullinloughan, Lackagh, Tullynamoyle and Gowlaun, Co. Leitrim.
The proposed turbines would have a height of 92m and maximum heights of 155m to blade tip. Beside each turbine there would be a crane hardstand area constructed.
There would also be a substation building constructed, new site access tracks and upgraded access roads, and underground grid connection to Corderry 110kv substation, along with other associated works.
A decision is due by Leitrim County Council at the end of May.
‘Growing industry concern’ as lost wind energy rises
Lost wind energy rose to nearly 11.5% of total production in 2020, according to Wind Energy Ireland.
There is “growing industry concern” over the amount of wind energy that is lost every year.
In 2020, the amount lost was more than 1.4 million MWh of electricity, nearly double the figure for 2019. This is just under 11.5% of total production and enough to power more than 300,000 homes.
Wind energy is lost when EirGrid, as the transmission system operator, instructs a wind farm to produce less electricity or even to shut down entirely because the grid is not strong enough to cope with the volumes of power being produced.
Still, Ireland has confirmed its position as number one in the world for the share of electricity demand met by onshore wind.
However, it is “off the west coast of Ireland” that there is the best potential for wind energy developments, according to MEP Sean Kelly.
Cork-based business Green Rebel Marine, which was set up to maintain offshore wind farms, has said that the waters around Ireland are “to become a major source of energy generation”.
The company has said that plans for offshore wind farms are at an advanced stage with a number of potential fixed and floating operators examining sites along the coast from Dundalk in Co. Louth to the Cork coast and beyond.