A “pilot scheme in relation to on-farm carbon trading to reward farmers for the public goods they are providing” is in the pipeline as an action under ‘Ag Climatise’, the national climate and air roadmap for the agriculture sector.
The roadmap, which was launched earlier today (Wednesday, December 9), also set out an action to protect and improve hedgerows on Irish farms.
These actions were outlined in tandem with the roadmap’s targets for reducing carbon loss on peat-based agricultural soils.
Carbon trading
According to the Ag Climatise report, “carbon farming refers to the farm-level management of carbon pools and flows with the purpose of mitigating against climate change”.
Result-based carbon farming schemes require that a direct and explicit link is established between the results delivered – emissions avoided or CO2 sequestered – and the payments made to the land manager.
“These schemes offer opportunities to better incentivise farmers to undertake climate-friendly actions.”
As such, the roadmap lists a target to “develop a pilot scheme in relation to on-farm carbon trading to reward farmers for the public goods they are providing”.
A target specified under this is described by Ag Climatise, which says:
Many extensively stocked livestock farms on mineral soils, with extensive hedgerows, will have a very small carbon footprint. These farmers should be rewarded for the public goods they are providing as they align to Origin Green marketing credentials.
Another target under this action is to work with other member states and the European Commission to consider the development of a regulatory system for carbon farming which ensures a level playing field across the EU.
Moving on to hedgerows, this action is to “protect, enhance and increase the number of hedgerows on farms”.
Under this action, a target is listed to protect and enhance the current hedgerow resource on Irish farms by increased awareness of Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC).
Finally, the roadmap seeks to examine the scope to plant trees in conjunction with hedgerows to improve landscapes and shelter, particularly those farm holdings that have no trees currently planted.