In less than two weeks, farmers in zone A, which comprises 11 counties, will be permitted to spread the first round of chemical fertiliser of 2023 on their land.
The prohibited period for spreading chemical fertiliser for each of the three zones came into effect on September 15, 2022.
Farmers in zone B will be allowed to spread chemical fertiliser at the end of this month and farmers in zone C will have to wait a little longer until the middle of next month.
The permitted spreading dates for both chemical fertiliser and slurry from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) indicate that spreading can begin. However, farmers should ensure both suitable ground conditions and a favourable weather forecast is on hand before opting to spread.
The table below outlines the permitted spreading dates for chemical fertilisers in 2023:
Zones Permitted Spreading Dates 2023 A January 27 – September 14 B January 30 – September 14 C February 15 – September 14
The counties in each zone are as follows:
The permitted period for application of chemical fertilisers ceases on September 14, for all zones (A, B and C) in 2023.
Exemption to chemical fertiliser spreading dates
Furthermore, a document available on the government website titled ‘Good Agricultural Practice Regulations Exemption Criteria for the closed period’ outlined that the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, with the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, has agreed scientific criteria to consider before granting an exemption to the closed period for slurry and chemical fertiliser application.
The following exemptions are available in the event that the scientific criteria outlined below applies.
To reduce the closed period for chemical fertiliser application to:
- January 15, in zone A and B;
- January 31, in zone C.
The following scientific criteria should apply:
- The Moore Park St. Jilles Grass Growth Model (MoST) must demonstrate sufficient growth for nutrient uptake;
- No heavy rain is forecast.
A statement from the DAFM to Agriland said that these criteria may be applied in exceptional circumstances.