The sheep trade is once again moving in an upward trajectory with prices across the board increasing this week.
Base prices for hoggets have increased by 10c/kg leaving quotes ranging from €6.85/kg up to €7.05/kg.
Irish Country Meats is on base of €6.85/kg plus a 10c/kg quality assurance (QA) bonus for hoggets.
Kildare Chilling has moved up to a base of €7.00/kg plus a 10c/kg QA bonus for hoggets.
While a western-based plant is leading the way with a base price of €7.05/kg plus a 15c/kg QA bonus for hoggets.
Producer groups are securing prices of up to €7.40/kg with reports indicating prices of 5-10c/kg above this also being secured for hoggets.
With prices at the lower end of the scale ranging anywhere from €7.00-7.20/kg depending on who you deal with.
The cull ewe trade continues to fire on, with prices now hitting €4.00/kg. Base prices for ewes have also seen a lift in cases, with quotes from ranging from €3.60/kg up to €3.80/kg.
Furthermore, quotes for spring lambs are now appearing across the board with a wide variation between factories opening up for spring lambs.
Numbers so far coming on stream are small with quotes ranging from €7.50-7.90/kg, with top prices reported to Agriland hitting €8.00/kg and even more in cases.
With Easter just around the corner and Ramadan kicking off this coming weekend, it’s important to weigh up the best option when marketing stock. With a very good live trade also being seen, with butchers, factory agents and exporters all present at marts, it’s important to weigh up every available avenue to maximise returns.
‘Up to €7.50/kg being secured for hoggets’
Sean McNamara, the sheep chair of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association (ICSA) said that prices are on the up again, with up to €7.50/kg being secured for hoggets.
He said: “It’s another positive start to the week with prices on the rise again, hoggets are making €7.30-7.40/kg with up to €7.50/kg being secured.
“Supplies are continuing to tighten and with key dates coming up, demand will hopefully continue to strengthen and see prices continue to rise.
“Cull ewes are hitting up against €4.00/kg, with the small number of spring lambs appearing making up to €8.00/kg.”