The spring lamb trade thus far has started off quietly in 2022 with cull ewes and even hoggets taking the limelight over what would usually be the talk of the town.
The record prices being seen for cull ewes and what appears to be a greater appetite for hoggets, has left the spring lamb trade trailing behind.
Many producers have also been left wondering with the trade so far for spring lambs, with prices no better off than what was seen this time last year, despite huge increases in input costs.
Some sales have seen prices reach €190-200/head for spring lambs, but prices to this level have been few and far between, with many of the heavier fleshed spring lambs, upwards of 46kg, making generally €170-180/head and up to €185/head in some cases.
Lighter lambs in the 38-41kg weight bracket have been trading from roughly a base of €138-140/head and selling up to €150/head while 42-45kg lots have been making €150-165/head and even exceeding €170/head in cases.
Overall, the trade has not been what many producers had expected and has left many wondering what to do next, considering the costs involved in getting lambs ready for market at this time of the year.