AgriLand has compiled comprehensive lists of herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators and insecticides (see below).
As always, when applying pesticides farmers should consult with a qualified agronomist and also observe the product label (on the container).
Rates referred to within these tables (below) are – in the main – maximum figures. These can vary, for example, depending on disease pressure and crop type.
Herbicides list
We have compiled a list of herbicides available on the Irish market in 2020.
Simply click on this herbicides chemical container (below) to open this list (in PDF format). You can then zoom in and scroll through the various products.
Or, if you prefer, you can simply click on this link to open the herbicides list.
Simply click on this link to open the herbicides list. Herbicides list
Fungicides list
We have compiled a list of fungicides available on the Irish market in 2020.
Simply click on this fungicides chemical container (below) to open this list (in PDF format). You can then zoom in and scroll through the various products.
Or, if you prefer, you can simply click on this link to open the fungicides list.
Simply click on this link to open the fungicides list. Fungicides list
Plant growth regulators
We have compiled a list of plant growth regulators available on the Irish market in 2020.
Simply click on this plant growth regulators chemical container (below) to open this list (in PDF format). You can then zoom in and scroll through the various products.
Or, if you prefer, you can simply click on this link to open the plant growth regulators list.
Simply click on this link to open the plant growth regulators list. Plant growth regulators list
We have compiled a list of insecticides available on the Irish market in 2020.
Simply click on this insecticides chemical container (below) to open this list (in PDF format). You can then zoom in and scroll through the various products.
Or, if you prefer, you can simply click on this link to open the insecticides list.
Simply click on this link to open the insecticides list. Insecticides list
Legend for crop use
A legend is outlined in this box (below), which describes the crop abbreviations that are used in the aforementioned lists (above).