People are “thinking in a more sustainable way” since the Covid-19 pandemic hit – with 8 out of 10 adult participants in a recent survey revealing that they have adopted more environmentally-friendly behaviours since the first Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020.
The survey from Budweiser highlights a growing number of people in Ireland are adopting a “green way of living” and “green thinking”, the firm says.
The online survey conducted across a sample of 1,000 adults aged 18 from August 18 to 22, noted that 60% of adults said that small, everyday changes can help people to be more sustainable.
Budweiser commissioned the research as part of a new initiative to support Ireland’s pubs by making them more sustainable.
The brand says it will install solar panels in 100 pubs across the country as part of “efforts to help Irish pubs in switching to 100% renewable energy sources”.
This latest initiative follows the company’s announcement earlier this year that Budweiser in Ireland is “brewed with 100% renewable electricity”.
The findings also noted that almost 45% of respondents felt that seeing the direct impact of climate change has motivated them to become more environmentally conscious.
When asked what the barriers are to being more environmentally friendly, almost 50% cited lack of access to more sustainable options.
Other notable findings included the following:
- Almost nine in 10 (88%) adults claim to have felt some form of guilt for not acting in a more sustainable way;
- On average, people do something which makes them feel guilty for not doing enough for the environment three times a week;
- Four out of every 10 people surveyed highlighted their plans to switch to an electric car;
- 36% said they intended to purchase more sustainably sourced products;
- Three out of every 10 will not use their car for shorter distances and walk more;
- Only one in 10 people have considered how sustainable a pint is in their local.
The survey also showed that meeting up with friends and “enjoying the craic and energy of the local pub are among the top three things that people are looking forward to” amid hopes for an easing of restrictions.
This is good news for Ireland’s pubs which have been closed for much of the past 18 months, Budweiser concluded.