CAP / Schemes
What are the common scheme compliance issues for farmers?
The Agricultural Appeals Office (AAO) has outlined some of the common scheme compliance issues that faced farmers last year. The...
CAP / Schemes
The Agricultural Appeals Office (AAO) has outlined some of the common scheme compliance issues that faced farmers last year. The...
CAP / Schemes
Around one third of scheme appeals made by farmers to the Agricultural Appeals Office (AAO) in 2023 related to the...
Scour occurs when the gut becomes compromised and calves lose proper functioning of the intestine, resulting in diarrhoea and loss...
The new Agriculture Appeals Review Panel is due to consist of seven members, according to the latest draft legislation. The...
The Forestry Appeals Committee (FAC) published 101 appeal decisions relating to 66 licence decisions last year. The FAC is an...
The government has drafted legislation which will allow for the establishment of the Agricultural Appeals Review Panel. The general scheme...
Rural Life
An Bord Pleanála has confirmed to Agriland that it received over 650 appeals from landowners across the country in relation...
CAP / Schemes
The independent Agriculture Appeals Office has launched an online facility to allow farmers to submit appeals in a more accessible...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer successfully appealed a decision by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in relation to an exclusion...
Imagine standing on your farm, knowing you have taken steps to secure its future. The sun is shining, not just...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer who initially received no 2019 Areas of Natural Constraints (ANC) Scheme payments due to a box-ticking mishap successfully...
CAP / Schemes
The 2020 Annual Report of the Agricultural Appeals office noted that some 760 appeals were received last year – but...
Agri Politics
Efforts are underway to establish an Agricultural Appeals Review Panel, which will include farmer representation as part of the reform...
Agri Politics
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue is being urged to move forward with establishing an independent appeals...
Agri Politics
Minister of State with responsibility for land use, biodiversity and forestry Pippa Hackett has said that the forestry bill, which...
Agri Politics
The introduction of the “much-talked about” forestry bill alone will not solve the current logjam of applications facing the forestry...
Sylvia and John Powell installed Nedap cow monitoring on their 250-strong herd in February 2023. Farming just outside Birr, Co....
CAP / Schemes
A farmer avoided a clawback by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of all Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) monies...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer who had a Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) application rejected by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the...
Rural Life
Controversial plans to build a crematorium in Kanturk have been put to rest, as An Bord Pleanála has upheld a...
CAP / Schemes
A farmer who did not receive Areas of Natural Constraint Scheme (ANC) payments from the Department of Agriculture, Food and...