Tillage Technical
Soil monitoring - middens and earthworms
Farmers are being asked to check for middens – tennis ball-sized plugs constructed by earthworms – when monitoring their soils....
Tillage Technical
Farmers are being asked to check for middens – tennis ball-sized plugs constructed by earthworms – when monitoring their soils....
David Corbett and Sean McMahon from Grassland Agro demonstrate the Teagasc Grass VESS. The Teagasc Grass VESS is the assessment...
Scour occurs when the gut becomes compromised and calves lose proper functioning of the intestine, resulting in diarrhoea and loss...
“There are so many resistant worms out there that farmers are now much more likely to import them onto their...
Earthworm populations are sensitive to tillage, but using organic manures can help to increase earthworm populations under tillage. Patrick Forrestal...
Scientists from University College Dublin and the University of Vigo, Spain, have found that the digging, stirring and overturning of...
A group of 30 enterprising farmers from Bantry, West Cork, formed the Celtic Worm Company in an attempt to harness...