Dairy Technical Breeding season: Achieving 90% three-week submission rates A target within many herds will be to have a submission rate of 90% within the first three weeks of... April 11, 2024 6:10am
Dairy Technical Dairy calving statistics see little change Dairy calving statistics play an important role in understanding what is happening in the national dairy herd. The information they... September 4, 2022 5:00pm
Sponsored Native Tree Area Scheme makes planting trees easier If you’re a farmer looking to generate extra income, the Native Tree Area Scheme (NTAS) is a great opportunity to...
Dairy Technical Calving statistics: How does your herd compare? The HerdPlus dairy calving statistics from the Irish Cattle Breeders Federation (ICBF) have been released for 2021. The statistics are... October 3, 2021 1:00pm