The new TAMS II Dairy Equipment Scheme has been opened by the Minster for Agriculture Simon Coveney.
The Minister has announced that an indicative allocation of €50m was being made available under the terms of the Dairy Equipment Scheme over the full RDP period to 2020.
The total allocation for the various on farm investment schemes planned under TAMS II, including the Dairy Equipment Scheme, is €395m over the course of the programme.
The Dairy Equipment Scheme is co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and is open to all farmers who meet the general eligibility criteria, offering a standard rate of aid of 40%. See also: Who is eligible for the new Dairy Equipment Scheme
The specific areas of investment will include milking machines, milk cooling and storage equipment, water heating and in-parlour feeding systems.
The online application system with the Department of Agriculture will go live after a week, to allow time for farmers and advisors to familiarise themselves fully with the detail of the new Scheme before drawing up applications.
The first tranche of applications will run for three months from the activation of the online system, closing in early October.
Grant aid will not be paid for (a) second-hand materials or equipment or (b) work carried out by contractors who do not comply with the tax clearance requirements laid down in paragraph 9 of the scheme.
List of eligible investments
Queries of a technical nature relating to the specifications should be submitted by email to the following
email address [email protected]