The Terra Range Series is proudly brought to you by Agriland Media in collaboration with Target Fertilisers.
Over the course of four parts, this series will provide readers with a clear understanding of how the Terra Range works, and why it is beneficial for farmers.
The range has many purposes, including: maintaining yields, maintaining stocking rates, preserving water quality, and more.
Target Fertilisers has teamed up with Brandon Bioscience to deliver a practical, effective solution to assist farmers in meeting their environmental targets, particularly relevant in an era of reduced Irish derogation levels.
Taking readers through how the Terra Range works in practice, the series will also feature first-hand reaction from two farmers who have used the Terra Range.
Target Festilisers say that they are “committed to the future of agriculture in Ireland through fertiliser and sustainable fertiliser usage”, and are “constantly looking at methods of maximising production through environmentally friendly and efficient uses of fertiliser”.
This collaboration will also demonstrate the benefits of the Terra Range for tillage farmers, as well as the positive impact that Brandon Bioscience’s PSI 362 Precision Technology has delivered in terms of reducing nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching, as indicated by controlled grass trials.
The series will also illustrate why the Terra Range provides a practical, easily applied offering to farmers.
The first part of the series will feature on the Agriland website and app next Wednesday (February 28).
For more information, please click here.