Organic farmers are set to be able to avail of significant grant aid for key equipment under the TAMS II.
Set to be opened by the Minister for Agriculture this summer, the Organics Capital Investment Scheme will offer a grant aid of 40% while eligible young organic farmers can avail of a 60% rate.
Last year a new organic farming scheme was launched and, by its closing date of Friday, May 29, 870 Organic Farming Scheme applications were received by my Department.
Since the introduction of the Organic Farming Scheme in 2007, the maximum number of applications received in any year was 380, in 2010.
The fact that 504 of these applicants to the new scheme are converting to organics for the first time highlights increased recognition of the potential opportunities that exist for organic producers, both at home and abroad, the Minister with responsibility for organic farming Tom Hayes has said.
The 870 applications received account for over 46,000 hectares of land, and over 58% of this area is being brought into organic production for the first time.
“This is a landmark day for the organic farming sector,” Minister Hayes said, commenting that the significant increase in area brought under organic production for the first time augurs well for the future of organic production in Ireland.
A large array investments are eligible under the Organics Capital Investment Scheme:
Organic equipment / Machinery
- Straw chopper (per) item €13,459.00
- Topper (mounted) (per) linear metre €848.00
- Topper (trailed) (per) linear metre €1,357.00
- Mower linear (per) metre €2,879.00
- Haybob (per) item €2,996.00
- Slurry pump/agitator (per) item €3,712.00
- Loader (front-mounted) (per) item €5,956.00
- Dung fork (per) linear metre €555.00
- Dung spreader (per) m3 €921.00
- Seeders – tractor mounted (per) linear metre €4,229.00
- Harrow – tractor mounted (per) linear metre €834.00
- Disc cultivator (per) linear metre €1,450.00
- Two-wheeled tractor with detachable rotary tiller horse power (per) (HP) €420.00
- Laser guidance weeder hoe system (per) linear metre €2,303.00
- Mulcher (trailed) (per) linear metre €2,303.00
- Grain dryer tonne per hour output €8,062.00
- Grain cleaner tonne per hour output €296.00
- Insect netting (per) m2 €0.50
- Bird and hail netting (per) m2 €0.42
Organic Structures
- Replace slats with slabs for organic cattle houses (per) m2 €57.10
- Organic free range laying hen house (fixed) (per) m2 €264.20
- Organic free range broiler house (fixed) (per) m2 €191.70
- Permanent fencing of organic poultry run (per) linear metre €12.40
- Pig kennels (per) m2 €57.00
- Permanent pig fencing (per) linear metre €6.15
- Hay/straw store (per) m2 €89.90
- Polytunnel m2 (per) €37.00
- Concrete floor (per) m2 €24.60
- Irrigation system (per) m2 €2.50
- Grain store (per) m2 €211.30
- Ventilation system for grain store (per) m2 €13.00
- Grain bin / meal bin (per) m3 y = 68.51x + 2202
- Potato store (per) m2 €202.50
- Ventilation system for potato store (per) m2 €23.10
- Produce store (per) m2 €202.50
Rain Water Harvesting
- Filters designed for flow from up to 200m2 roof area (per) item €311.60
- Filters designed for flow between 201m2 and 500m2 roof area (per) item €425.00
- Covered drains uPVC 150mm (per) linear metre €8.06
- Covered drains uPVC 225mm (per) linear metre €8.60
- Covered drains uPVC 150mm under existing concrete (per) linear metre €22.09
- Covered drains uPVC 225mm under existing concrete (per) linear metre €24.80
- Manholes (including cover) (per) item €222.58
- Round gutter (including all brackets stop-ends, outlets and fixing) (per) linear metre €17.58
- Box gutter (including all brackets stop-ends, outlets and fixing) (per) linear metre €18.68
- Rain water downpipes (including offsets toes and fixing) (per) linear metre €19.78
- Sumps (including cover) (per) item €222.58
- Sump pump (per) item €397.19
- UV treatment (per) item €1,555.00
- Chlorination treatment (per) item €1,750.00
- Water meter (per) item €181.25