The northern trade has “come back alive for store and finished cattle”, according to Ballyjamesduff Mart manager, John Tevlin.
Tevlin was speaking to Agriland following the Co. Cavan-based mart’s weekly bullock and heifer sale on Tuesday (June 28).
Numbers were back at the weekly sale, however this may be because torrential rain on Monday night (June 27) and into Tuesday morning likely deterred some farmers from bringing out cattle.
Adding commentary to the northern trade he witnessed, the manager continued.
“In the last two weeks, northern buyers have really lifted their game,” he said.
“The trade for heavy cattle is now been driven by northern customers, which hadn’t been the case all spring,” he added.
“Our close proximity to the border is a help here.
“Feedlots were driving the beef trade until now and they seem to have pulled back but lucky enough, there’s buyers to step in.”
Sample prices from the heifer sale at Ballyjamesduff Mart:
Commenting on the type of cattle currently going through the sale, Telvin noted: “It’s more forward cattle that’s coming to the mart.
“There’s no major rush on people to come out with younger, lighter stock in this part of the country.
“Farmers have plenty of grass in this part of the country whereas down further south, grass was short in supply and farmers were moving out with cattle.”
Sample bullock prices:
Other prices from the bullock sale included a 760kg continental bullock making €2,420 or €3.18/kg; a 765kg bullock selling for €2,460 or €3.22/kg; and a 785kg Friesian bullock selling for €2,120 or €2.70/kg.
Telvin said that the lighter-type cattle that were on offer at the sale met “a brisk trade”, with fewer numbers resulting in good demand.
“Farmers selling heavier cattle are going to replace them with good spending power,” he said.
“In the talk of a downward trade, prices were up in many categories this week even in the calf department, with 70 calves on offer and over €700 paid for runners.
Tevlin added that buyers were more anxious for fleshed lambs and ewes at the mart’s sheep sale this week also.
Concluding, Tevlin expressed confidence on a strong cattle trade into the back end of the year, saying: “Farmers have plenty of silage and winter feed secured and with the strong prices for heavy cattle, farmers will have have plenty of buying power returning to mart rings later in the year.”
Included in the calf sale at Ballyjamesduff Mart next Wednesday (July 6) will be an entry of 50 dairy-bred runners, all from the same farm.