Parts of the country experienced there wettest March in 21 years while for others the month was dryer than normal, according to latest figures from Met Eireann.
Around two-thirds of stations reported above Long-Term Average (LTA) rainfall, with below LTA values primarily reported in the South, Southeast and parts of the Midlands.
According to Met Eireann percentage of LTA rainfall values ranged from 78% (monthly total of 61.8mm) at Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford to 139% (monthly total of 123.1 mm) at Malin Head, Co. Donegal, its wettest March in seven years.
Meanwhile, it says monthly rainfall accumulations ranged from 53.5 mm (84% of LTA) at Carlow (Oak Park) to 160.0 mm (113% of LTA) at Newport, Co. Mayo, its wettest March since 2008.
The wettest day of the month was at Valentia Observatory, Co. Kerry on March 25 with 25.6 mm, its wettest March day in seven years.
Temperature: below average temperatures everywhere
Met Eireann says monthly mean air temperatures were all below their LTAs.
Differences from LTA ranged from -1.4°C at Markree, Co. Sligo, (monthly mean of 5.6°C) to -0.3°C at both Phoenix Park, Co. Dublin (monthly mean of 6.4°C) and Cork Airport (monthly mean of 6.5°C).
Despite below average temperatures long-term records reported cooler conditions in March 2013.
The month’s highest temperature of 14.8°C reported at Phoenix Park on March 7 with the month’s lowest air minimum of -5.1°C measured at Casement Aerodrome on March 18, its lowest March temperature since 2010.
March’s lowest grass minimum was -9.7°C at Markree on March 14 with Malin Head’s grass minimum of -5.9°C also on March 14, its lowest for March since 1986.