A new mapping system that is currently being rolled out by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine will help farmers to provide a more “accurate reflection” of land parcel boundaries.
The department is currently updating its mapping and imagery systems for EU-funded schemes including the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and other Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) initiatives.
In a statement to AgriLand the department said this new version of the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) will allow mapping to give a more accurate reflection of the land parcel boundaries that are used in department schemes.
“The latest phase of this modernisation is now underway and the new version will be used for Co. Louth from January 2019,” added a spokesperson.
“It will be rolled out across the rest of the country on a phased basis.”
‘Transferring to the new system’
Meanwhile, the department stated that the system is currently operational for all parcels in Co. Louth and for all parcels declared by Louth-based herd owners in other counties.
A spokesperson added: “It is hoped that all counties will be completely transferred to the new system in time for the 2021 claim year.”
The department says that if there is an increase in the eligible area of a parcel the claimed area can be increased, to the newly determined eligible area, where appropriate.
The spokesperson added: “If there is a reduction in the eligible area of a parcel as a result of the move to the new LPIS, the department has reduced the claimed area to match the new eligible area to avoid creating an over claim on that parcel.”
“A comprehensive communication campaign is currently being rolled out by the department to ensure that farmers, agents and farm bodies are informed of the changeover to the new system,” the spokesperson concluded.