Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O’Brien and Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcom Noonan have condemned the “illegal wildfires” that took place over the weekend.
These fires in Wicklow Mountains National Park and the Slieve Bloom Mountains in Co. Laois “damaged protected species, put communities and private property at risk and placed unnecessary additional burden on the emergency services”, the ministers said.
Minister Noonan will visit the site of one of the fires in the Wicklow Mountains National Park today.
“The illegal fires have destroyed important upland habitat and displaced and potentially killed local wildlife at a critical time of year for many species,” the minister said.
Both of these sites are Special Areas of Conservation [SACs] and among the most precious places in Ireland for nature.
“Indeed, the Slieve Blooms SAC is home to a thriving population of hen harriers and other rare bird species, all nesting this time of year. Setting these fires is absolutely criminal and an all-too-frequent tragedy.
“The setting of these fires is irresponsible and reckless and shows a disregard not only for nature, but also for people – the communities who live in these areas and have to breathe in the smoke; the individuals and families whose property is put at risk and, of course, for our emergency services.
“In the midst of a pandemic, it is incredible that our emergency services are put in a position whereby their resources are pulled in this direction.”
The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the minister’s department will examine its own drone footage, drone footage from the Civil Defence and Copernicus satellite data to investigate and fully assess the damage caused by these fires.
“In the last week, NPWS has deployed increased fire patrols at our sites and remains in close liaison with both the Gardaí and the Fire Services,” the minister continued.
These patrols have targeted known fire high-risk areas. Where appropriate, cross-compliance is pursued with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
“I call on all stakeholders including the local communities to work with us to find a way forward.”
Minister O’Brien added that if anyone has any information about the fires, to contact their local NPWS office or the Gardaí.
“Wildfires do not occur naturally in Ireland. The main cause of such conflagrations is thought to be the deliberate starting of fires without concern for the emergency services, the local wildlife, habitat, communities or even private property close by,” the minister said.