The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has issued over €512 million in outstanding scheme payments to farmers in the week ending on Friday, October 18.

On Wednesday (October 16), advance payments under the 2024 Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) and Complementary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS) started issuing.

The DAFM’s latest weekly payment update shows that a total of €510.46 million has been paid out under BISS and CRISS to 110,758 farmers this week.

Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) payments worth €1.63 million have been paid this week, bringing the total amount issued to date to €19.694 million.

A total of 18,269 TAMS 3 approvals have been issued to date, with 3,589 payment applications submitted and 2,056 payments made. Outstanding TAMS 2 payments worth €241,701 have also been issued this week.

Scheme payments

2024 Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) and Areas of Specific Constraint (ASC) payments of over €532,024 have also been issued by the DAFM. This brings the total amount paid out to 93,549 farmers to €196.4 million.

The DAFM’s latest weekly payment update also shows that 3,920 farmers have now received their 2023 payment under the Organic Farming Scheme. A total of €9,077 has been paid this week, bringing the total amount paid to €48.1 million.

organic /Sheep

Payments outstanding under the Sheep Improvement Scheme 2023 have also been paid this week, with a total of €6,352 issued. In total, 17,262 farmers have now received €21.1 million under scheme.

This week, over €6,179 has been issued by the DAFM under the Fodder Support Scheme 2023. This brings the total amount issued to 71,383 farmers to €52.75 million to date.

Payments outstanding under the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM) 2023 worth €13,098 have been issued this week. This brings the total amount paid to 3,387 farmers to €15.51 million.

No payments have been issued this week under the Eco Scheme, the National Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme, the National Beef Welfare Scheme, the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme, or the Tillage Incentive Scheme.