Listen: Law and the Land – what you should know about making a will

June 26, 2024 4:08 pm

In the first episode in this limited series podcast, Agriland senior journalist, Aisling O’Brien and Kerry-based solicitor, Deirdre Flynn discuss making a will.

The Irish Farm Report 2024 published by Ifac revealed that half of farmers have no will in place, leaving potential beneficiaries exposed to tax issues.

The solicitor outlines what steps to take in order to create a will, what happens if it needs to be changed along the way, or issues which may arise such as the will being contested.

The podcast also discusses areas such as appointing an executor and enduring power of attorney.

Produced by Agriland, ‘Law & the Land‘ is a four-part weekly podcast delving into issues which not only affect farmers themselves, but also farm families.

The information in the podcast is intended as a general guide only. While every care is taken to ensure accuracy of information provided, Agriland and Deirdre Flynn do not accept responsibility for errors or omission howsoever arising. You should seek legal advice in relation to your particular circumstances at the earliest possible time.