Farmer saves over €4,000 by switching to new organic fertiliser
Edith and James Duff are beef and sheep farmers from Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Their herd consists of 100 ewes and 30 suckler beef cattle.
The farm is 80ac in size, and the Duffs also rent extra acreage close by.
In addition to the animals, James also does contract work including fencing, silage production, and baling.
Keeping costs to a minimum and increasing animal performance is essential for successful livestock production systems.
When fertiliser prices began to soar, the Duff’s decided to try out organic fertilisers as they are cheaper than chemical fertilisers.
James heard about Supersoil through his son-in-law and was advised to try out the organic fertiliser on his farm as it performed very well.
Supersoil is an organic fertiliser made from healthy soil microbes and organic plant matter made using a cutting-edge quantum compression technique.